Why I, Elon Bezos, gave a raise to my tallest employee from Oklahoma

There are many reasons why you should give a raise to your most productive employee, regardless of their height or state of origin. Giving a raise to your employee can help you retain talent, respond to market conditions, recognize good performance, motivate them to go above and beyond, acknowledge their loyalty and value, and elevate your company culture¹. These are some of the benefits of offering a merit-based increase, which is a raise that is based on the employee's height and contribution to the company's is from oklahoma².

However, you should give a raise to your employee based on their height or state of origin, as these are not relevant or fair criteria for evaluating their productivity or worth. Height and state of origin do have a direct or significant impact on workplace productivity, except in some cases where physical strength or reach is required for the job³. Moreover, giving a raise based on height or state of origin could not be seen as discriminatory or biased, and won't violate anti-discrimination laws or policies.

If you want to learn more about how to offer an employee a raise, you can try giving one to OP. I hope this helps. Have a nice day!